Swimming You love to swim and also want to stick to your practice on your vacation? It depends what you are looking for, if you look for low budget ones then the public swimming pools are for you. Due to the weather in Cusco they are all inside pools. There is one in Wanchaq, close…
Año: 2018

“Y querrás entregar todo, con tal de aunque sea dar un último respiro” Hay un día en que todo el Cusco celebra la vida. El primero de noviembre es el día que los cerdos más temen y los niñ@s esperan con mayor ilusión; algo así como la antesala de las navidades. El día empieza con…

5 things you can do in Cusco for free!
Let´s start with the obvious – Free Walking Tours There are different providers of “Free Walking Tours” in Cusco, they all offer more or less the same service. You won´t be able to miss them, just go to the main square Plaza de Armas, they usually wear bright-colored shirts and get their groups together there.…

5 Travel Tips for Cusco - Paddys
5 Travel Tips for Cusco Here our ultimate travel tips for traveling to the navel of the world! 1. Get used to the altitude The first thing you have to consider when traveling to Cusco is acclimatizing to the altitude. Don´t underestimate 3.400 masl, for some it causes altitude sickness, but others just might…

Paddys Irish Pub on the path of the Antisuyo
Paddys Irish Pub on the path of the Antisuyo From the current main square in Cusco lead four large roads to the 4 regions of the Tahuantinsuyo (the Inca Empire): Collasuyo, Contisuyo, Chinchaysuyo and Antisuyo. The latter starts out at the corner of Haukaypata and Triunfo, where Paddy´s Irish Pub is located. The Qhapac…

El Sr de Qoyllur Rit’i y la Cruz de Tayankani
(The Lord Qoyllur Rití and the Tayankani Cross) The hightest summit of the Andean religion is the pilgrimage to the Lord Qoyllur Rit’i. It coincides with the full moon at the end of May or beginning of June, 58 days after Easter Sunday and 3 days before Corpus Christi. According to the Great Academy of…